Link building or earning backlinks has always proved to be quintessential for nurturing a website’s reputation. Earning backlinks is truly a tedious task but it becomes all the more exigent for websites with an adult orientation such as web portals of sex toy shops, pornsites, online gambling sites and many more in the industry. 

To them, earning backlinks is equivalent to fighting war barehanded. However, we have a few handy tips which make earning backlinks for adult websites easier.

Table of Content

  • Make Use of Finest Content
  • Employ Guest Blogging Tactics
  • Craft Remarkable Infographics
  • Become Forum Friendly
  • Initiate and Encourage Meetups and Events
  • Host Enticing Contests 
  • Make Use Of Friends and Affiliates
  • Updating outdated content
  • Be the talk of the town
  • Grab It From Your Competitors 

Make Use Of Finest Content

using finest content for backlinks

The first and foremost must utilize a method for gaining backlinks. Rich content is the only long-running chariot in the ground of online ranking. Here adult webmasters possess an extra edge. 

Most non-adult websites come up short when it comes to variety. Articles and blog posts are the most common forms of content, while adult sites can showcase the diversity of their content through images, videos, magazine covers, interview glimpses while also including blogs and articles. 

Enriching their websites with a variety of content can certainly assure strong backlink creation.

Employ Guest Blogging Tactics

guest blogging for backlinks

Yet another one of the most rewarding techniques of backlink creation, guest blogging is a method that never truly ages. It is a more intellectual way of link building and can without a doubt supplement the adult SEO efforts.

Although the online resources get considerably curtailed when it comes to adult guest blog posting, the websites that host guest adult blogs are still an insignificant number. To name a few –,,, serve as well-suited examples. Posting informative and intriguing content on sites like these proves to be an investment in the long run.

Craft Remarkable Infographics

infographics for link building

Well, who can’t use a well-crafted infographic? Infographics work as a master key, suitable for a variety of users. When it comes to the adult market, there aren’t many valuable sources for rich infographics.

This evidently means that there is a demand for it in the market. So, engaging in organizing superlative infographics and offering them to prominent bloggers or infographic sharing website seems like a good way to go.

Become Forum Friendly 

Online forums are always populated with numerous online users, so targeting an area with such intensive user activity can certainly serve the purpose of building backlinks for adult websites if used correctly.

Many webmasters tend to exploit this method by engaging in blatant self-promotion on these sites. This awards them with the honorary title of Spammers. The right way to go is to start building a base on these forums, get your presence known to others and then subtly promote your site wherever applicable.

Initiate and Encourage Meetups and Events

Another way of getting yourself known across the industry is to never miss an opportunity for formal socializing. Adult sites like AVN, Xbiz hosts important award shows that represents many in the industry. Apart from these big-time events, there are also small meetups arranged by various site owners, a formal gathering, etc. 

Events like these firmly root your presence in the industry and provide the necessary fuel for boosting your online backlinks.

Host Enticing Contest

Hosting fascinating online contest is an approach that extends to the digital marketing strategies of multinational giants. So, without a doubt, it can profoundly help the adult webmasters in link building.

Online contests don’t necessarily need to have an extravagant outlook, hosting engaging small-scale contests works just fine. In plain terms, no need to go with

Heavy monetary price model, lighter rewards like a certificate, a few days free subscription, etc can also engage the audience.

Make Use of Friends and Affiliates

A true friend always comes to the rescue, especially when it comes to building backlinks for adult sites. We are by now well aware of the complexities involved when the topic of SEO for adult websites is concerned.

So, using your social circle for a small link building exercise can’t be considered as a sinful misdeed.

Affiliates, both within and outside the industry can always lend a hand in providing backlinks using their own domains or websites. 

Updating Outdated Content

Updating outdated content

This tip is a must-follow for any or all webmasters. Keep revising and updating your content on the website. No one would shower their interest and time on a piece of obsolete information. The website’s content must hold significance according to contemporary trends. 

Undoubtedly this extends to the adult webmasters as well. Various articles, blogs, infographics even website pages must be overhauled from time to time. This healthy practice ensures the retention of the current user base and also helps in reaching new ones. Remember, latest and precisely updated content always catch the eye of various bloggers, online forum users and other webmasters, which inevitably results in the addition of backlinks.

Be the Talk Of the Town

Ok, this can be a bit tricky to start with. Any business be it in the adult industry or not, uses fame to fuel its reputation. To up your odds of recognition, you must be the flavor of every month. In short, publicity is a priority when it comes to gaining links both real life and online.

This is where the real game starts. The main motive here is to gain the right attention and this can be achieved through getting interviewed or interviewing some big names in the industry, staying in touch with the online media, putting an effort in the direction of interacting with online visitors or users directly, etc. 

This may be a slow and gradual process but it promises backlinks with considerable authority and presence. 

Grab it From Your Competitors 

Grabbing links from competition

Now time for the most complex yet rewarding step, using your competitors for earning backlinks. Yes, you heard it right. If you aim to lead the market share, you must oust your competitors. To do this you must evaluate and analyze their backlink network.

This is the complex part. But to ease your findings, you can make use of various tools like Ahref’s competitive analysis. When it comes to a comprehensive evaluation of backlink network of a website( in this case, the competitor’s), Ahref’s competitive analysis tool comes out as the undisputed champion. 

Coming back to the point, after successful evaluation of the links of competitors, next comes is approaching those links with a better and more thoroughly crafted content that would make them shift their alliance.

So, these were a few tips on how to build a strong network of backlinks when it comes to the adult industry. Abiding them and imbuing them in your SEO strategy can promise effectual results in the future.