The trends in SEO are ever-changing and while it might be tough to stay updated with so many developments, it is advisable to learn how to adapt to the evolving science of SEO. Despite all the changes every year, one thing that has remained constant is that SERP ranks those web pages better who have a good title tag. As amazing as your content maybe, it still won’t matter unless you have a title tag that is capable of diverting the correct traffic to your web page which is why you need to get it right.

So What Is A Title Tag and Why Is It So Important For Your Webpage To Get Noticed?

When put in a layman’s terms, a title tag is that part of your HTML code that specifies the title of the web page. When you google a word, tons of results appear with bold headings in blue. These headings in blue are your title tags and play an important role in your SERP (Search Engine Result Page) rankings. It is a concise way of telling users what they will find on your web page and how is it relevant to the keyword they searched. For instance, a web page that talks about the best eateries in New York may write it’s title tag as:

<title>7 Best Eateries in New York That You Must Visit </title>

While how a title tag performs depends on a variety of factors, it is important to keep a few pointers in mind while coming up with what is called a “great title tag”.

Must Read: Search Engine Optimisation – How And When It Works

title tag seo

Ensure Your Title Tag Is To The Point

It is important to note that short and accurate title tags do better than longer ones for a simple reason that the search engine might truncate it and the result won’t make sense to the user. This is something you do not want, so ensure your title tag is about 50-60 characters long only and discusses the purpose of your webpage. These characters must include your SEO keywords or else your web page stands no chance to appear among the search results.

Remember Your Title Tag Must Be Optimized for People

Search engines present web pages with title tags that will compel users to view the page. Google may change your title tag based on the meta description you provide if you fail to optimize the title tag for your audience. This is called overriding. Some people include their company names as well but this must only be done when the name of your company adds value to your tag. If your company is well-established then you might want to add it to your title tag as it will attract people. Your title tag brings your audience and therefore attention must be paid to people while coming up with a tag.

Long-Tail KewordsUnderstand How To Use Keywords

It is important to optimize one or more head and two long-tail keywords. Head keywords are rather competitive and come with huge search volumes. It’s a lot more difficult to understand long-tail keywords which are terms with little search demand individually but when combined with a head keyword they tend to drive a lot of traffic towards web pages.

An example of how to use keywords would be:

Head Keyword: Weight Loss

A Good Long Tail Keyword: 12 Tips for Weight Loss or How to Lose Weight Safely

While keywords are highly important, do not stuff too many of them into your title tag.

Emphasize On How You Are Different

Keep up with internet trends and try to incorporate them in your title tag. For instance, listicles are fairly popular these days so try creating a title tag that includes the number of tips or content on your webpage. Most of the times when people turn to the internet they look for in-depth information. While many web pages provide vague and little information, your web page may stand out if you ensure that your title tag conveys the message of being thorough.

Also checkout my post on: Unexpected SEO Strategies That Google Unofficially Supports

Generate Curiosity

The type of title tag you create or want depends on the content of your web page. If suitable, another way to entice your audience is by the age-old trick of generating curiosity. Ask questions like “Do You Really Need To Improve Your Vocabulary?”. This increases your chance of appearing in the “People also asked” section of Google as well.

Creating the right title-tag is not a difficult task but you must refrain from the following:

Never Duplicate Title Tags

Make sure that you do not use the same title tag for all of your web pages. Each web page displays different information and the title tag must have what is relevant to that particular web page only. Also, avoid using the same words for your title tag and head tag. This will improve the visibility of your web page.

Do Not Overload Your Tag With Too Much Information

Remember the rule of having not more than 60 characters in your title tag and you’re good to go. Too much information is bad for your title tag and leads to underperformance. It is important to learn to be concise and apt.

Never Use A Tag That Has Nothing To Do With Your Web Page

As mentioned earlier, the title tag necessarily has to talk about your web page and nothing else. Using a tag which isn’t relevant to your page will only lead you to the bottom of the search page rankings.


While SEO may be complex and you might not understand it completely, creating effective title tags is your best chance at doing well in the search results section. It’s important that you understand title tags work different for everyone but the basics remain the same. SEO is something everyone can master once you get the hang of it. Experiment with various combinations of title tags to get your content noticed.

Also, take a look at my other post:  Affordable SEO Strategies