SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, by definition, is the process by which an individual or an organization affects the ranking and the online visibility of a website on a search engine like Google. When users search for specific sites that convey specific information or products, the SEO ensures and regulates traffic to the desired result thus ensuring business through online presence in the long run. Over the last decade, SEO has become a must for most companies and more and more people are turning their attention to this very sector as it promises quite a lucrative fee. Search targeting and ranking have become more and more specific ranging from information, video and images as well through optimization locally, nationally or internationally.

Google incidentally is a continuous evolving phenomenon whose algorithm changes dynamically throughout the year ensuring a regulated, safe and concurrent practice avoiding spam and malpractices. Google goes as far as promising penalties and blacklisting companies for any practice that is deemed illicit and inappropriate. Thus an expert in this field is a must for any business in today’s age and time. A good Search Engine Optimizer is always aware of the policies of Google or the targeted search engine ensuring and guaranteeing a smooth execution.

The adult industry is a trillion dollar industry and adheres to the same strategies and economics as any other organization. However, there is a vast difference in conventional SEO and adult SEO considering the very difference in the link building process and staying clean and narrow within the policies of Google. Therefore SEO experts and consultants are often recruited to ensure a steady stream of traffic and to stay a step ahead of the immense competition in the sector. The right consultant and expert can ensure a 500 % increase in the popularity and promotion of the website, considering the fact that most people usually click the first three results organically on a search.

Studios and sites that rely on popular porn stars can depend on natural searches and organic results, however the lesser known webcam models, adult websites, escort services and studios especially those that are new in the market have to rely heavily on SEO as it a major factor that would eventually guarantee success in the long run. The right link, the right advertisement and the right campaign can litigate the very rank of the website triggering the very metric that is traffic.

Also Read: How To Catch Up With The Evolving Search Engine Optimization

This is distinguished in two phases:

1. Free Traffic – Defined as the unpaid and unregulated traffic that flows towards a website through searches from google.

2. Targeted Traffic – Performed by a guided and blue-printed SEO which highlights the quality and content of the page ensuring the right traffic guaranteeing customers interested in the wares and offers of the site.

To moderate and generate the best results, the following is often considered:

1. Website Title – The foremost point that sells the page itself. A good catchy title often goes a long way especially if it is to the T regarding the website itself.

2. Keywords – The right tag and the right words used by the browser and the foresight can often bring the page to the top of the query.

3. Page Description – A line or a paragraph to describe the purpose of the page and the content that follows.

4. Page Content – The videos and images that the page promises. Depending on the quality and the quantity of the content, the traffic can be ensured. The higher the quality, the more the traffic and more subscribers.

5. Categories and Titles – If the content is properly categorized and the content is appropriately titles, the quality can be ensured.

Related Post: Best Tips On How To Write A Great Title Tag For Your Web Page

6. Advertisement and Links – The right ads and links to other pages can promote the website to another level.

An expert SEO would often request other domains to promote the said website for a nominal fee for better results. This often allows the page to gain index popularity through the promoted content on other websites and allows more traffic to follow many of which are guaranteed to be looking for the content and the products of the said website. In this case, the traffic is more oriented towards subscribers and customers.

Now that the basics are covered, it rests assured that the website is marginalized above the competitor’s pages on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) through the various channels of Link Building. However, this causality is not for the longer run. The SEO expert must keep at it using new and improved techniques while the domain master of the website must keep updating the content and quality at a parallel. This becomes a slightly complex process considering Adult SEO which requires daily participation at both ends.

Here are the first drawbacks often noticed in the first phase:

1. Rookie Mistakes – Hiring a rookie SEO for a cheaper rate can often harm a website than promote it. Most give up before they even start to rank up. Though expensive, an expert SEO can add advantage to a domain unparalleled.

2. Link Farming – Buying links in farms and pyramids, employing illicit black hat methods of link building and other unchecked methods will eventually alert Google who without a doubt would fall hard on the domain master and the website would be penalized. Note that the penalties are often borne by the website and those associated with it.

3. Quantity versus Quality – What is more important, the amount of content on the site or the quality of the content on the site. The easiest mistake to make is to focus on quantity which often proves to be undesirable material. The best way to go forward is to make sure that the focus is on quality as that would not only improve on the site itself but ensure the right traffic. A good SEO will be quick to point this out as no matter how much hard work he gives in to the site, the quality at the end is the master.

4. PC versus Mobile – The website to adhere to multiple channels. It should load fast and give quality result not only to the users on a computer but those on tablets and mobile as well. Most sites fall short of this very aspect as the content works well on computers but begins to lag or falls quality wise for mobile users.

If you own an adult website and wondering how you can make it mobile friendly then do checkout my post on: Making Your Adult Website Mobile Friendly