The mobile conversion rate is the number of people who choose to use your mobile marketing campaign. Mobile conversion rate should be high, as that implies that more people have decided to opt for your campaign (therefore indicating that are more users of it and higher sales). People nowadays rely heavily on their phones to access various websites on the internet. Almost 79% of social media time happens on mobile phones – and social media is a great way to promote your website. Mobile phones have thus become an essential tool for interacting and accessing the world around. With almost everyone owning and using a mobile phone, it becomes obvious that a lot can be accessed using the hand-held device. To reach out to the maximum number of people, it is essential that you tap the immense storehouse of mobile phone users. “Mobile friendly” is the key to success!

If you still haven’t understood what mobile conversion rate is, here’s an example to give you some clarity. If your website has 100 visitors and only 4 people buy your stuff, it means that you have a conversion rate of 4%. So in short, the conversion rate is the total amount of sales produced by your business website on mobile for each visitor that you get. Strategies are required to increase the number of people who convert.

For a new website, the aim should be to first get more visitors and then focus on sales. For other websites, the primary focus would be getting more customers – that is people who will buy your product (out of the people who have viewed your website). It is important for websites to learn how to successfully tap their mobile audience. This will, up to an extent, guaranteed increase in sales as well. Since more and more people are using their phones for shopping and e-commerce, it is definitely crucial and relevant to invest time, energy and money in mobile marketing techniques. M-commerce (mobile commerce) is certainly the trend of our times!

Mentioned below are a few mobile marketing techniques to improve your mobile conversion rates –

  1. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

To get your website a spot on the top of the search engines’ results page, it is important to do search engine optimization. Make sure your website (mobile-friendly) has all the necessary keywords that refer to the product and company.  Linking to and from other sites is also an important aspect of SEO.

Must Read:  How To Catch Up With The Evolving Search Engine Optimization

  1. App Store Optimisation (ASO)

People mainly download apps on mobile phones, so it is important to focus on App Store Optimisation. ASO focuses on your app’s name and description, and the overall goal is to get more people to download the app. Pictures can also be used to make the app look attractive (and also show its workings). Many people scroll through apps – make sure yours attracts their eye.

  1. Excellent user experience

Your mobile-friendly website must be user-friendly – you need to make sure your visitors have an easy time navigating through your website. The website should be attractive, easy to use and informative. Make sure your mobile website loads fast – people tend to abandon a website if it doesn’t load within 6 seconds. Keep in mind that many people use internet data to surf the web and not just Wi-Fi. Speed up your mobile-friendly website to give your visitors an excellent user experience.

Also read how Voice Search and SEO are connected :  Speak to Engage: Voice Search & SEO

Your website should be designed keeping in mind mobile phone users, and so should your marketing campaign. Make it easy for people to find what they are looking for (focus: drop down options, call to action, forms). Keep in mind the size of mobile phone screens – your website should be tailored to fit easily into the average smartphone screen. The site should be user-friendly and uncluttered, and should not confuse the person. Make sure the images used in your website load fast, and serve their purpose of being there. It should also be easy for the visitor to type in information. Websites that are difficult to surf using phones always get fewer visitors, even if the quality of content is very high.

  1. Provide the option of autocompletion your website

Visitors that find what they want will be likely to buy the same as well. By using auto-complete on your mobile website, you make it easier for the visitors to find what they want. Autocomplete will also show them a list of other options which they may be tempted to explore. It also increases ease of navigation and usability. It also points to the wide range of options that your website provides in terms of different products. Onsite filtering tools can be used to give relevant autocomplete options. This technique has been proven to increase mobile conversions rates.

  1. Use the right images

A website with pictures is more likely to be visited. As people scroll down on their phones, a picture amongst a bunch of texts will clearly catch their eye. Make sure the images used on your website are relevant and informative. These images can even add to the ‘aesthetic factor’ of the website. It is, however, important to be noted that these images should load fast – there is no point adding images if your website visitor can’t see it immediately. Make sure the images are compressed and resized, in order to maintain quality yet allow speed. Pictures can even be used to display instructions for using the website. Tiny pictures or icons across the website can be used to point users in the right direction. It is important to choose the right pictures – don’t get into copyright issues!

  1. Personalized effect

Your website should engage the visitor. People when using their mobile phones tend to focus only on the important stuff or whatever catches their eye, so make sure that whatever your website is showing the customer is relatable, personally engaging and relevant to the visitor. By addressing the visitor in your website content and allowing them to explore the website through helpful directions, you personally communicate to your visitor. Being blunt and ‘expressionless’ in the content of a website will seldom help in getting more customers.

Explore, how you can Make Your Adult Website Mobile Friendly