How To Reduce SEO Costs Before Going International?
With trade crossing borders, it is important to maintain websites that can be accessed globally. However, as classy these may sound, they don’t come cheap and require you to use up a huge chunk of your funds. Spending on global websites is essential when you are into overseas business. However, there are ways in which you can optimize your costs and create the most efficient websites. Following is a list of ways in which you can cut corners while dealing with global websites:
Optimizing Your Website Design By Using A Core Structure
A person who is dealing with an international website usually ends up spending most of his funds while designing the web pages which form a website. So in order to reduce costs, you must start with your website design. For any international website, it is not mandatory to have a website designed from the beginning. This holds true in cases when you use different domains or ccTLDs for various websites as well.
The trick is to use the same structure for your website and use web page templates available to you. You can also make use of Content Management System (CMS) which is basically a computer run application to manage digital content. The advantage of using a core structure (also referred to as a parent site) is that it reduces the number of times you have to optimize your website depending on the different languages provided.
However, this does not mean you can avoid adapting to local requirements. There are huge differences in how countries perceive information and what is acceptable in their society and culture. Something as basic as education may also vary in different countries. In few nations, like Japan, sentences are written from the right side to the left side while countries like London and India write from left to right. These variations need to be incorporated while preparing a website on the global level. Avoid having rigid line spacing and text space as this may lead to overlapping or incorrect display of content.
In case of such unique languages, it is important to create what is called a “Cascading Style Sheet” (abbreviated as CSS).
Also read, how you can make your website SEO friendly: How To Be SEO Friendly
Cutting Down Operational Costs
Maximum of the operation revolving around website creation does not require you to be skilled in local languages and you also do not have to customize it according to every country. This holds good particularly when you follow the core structure basis to build your site. Creating distinct sites can use a lot of manpower which will result in an increase in your budget. Centralization of workforce helps you save funds.
To centralize your activities, you can create robots.txt files or XML sitemaps. This can be done by using tag settings like ‘hreflangtags or canonical tags. In addition to this, ensure that the title tags and meta description generated can be easily edited by your local teams.
Since your IT professionals can view the entire website centrally, they will be capable of detecting any duplication of content easily.
Checkout my post on affordable SEO strategies: Make The Best Through These Affordable SEO Strategies
The Need For Adapting And To What Extent Is It Needed
Translating your complete site to some other language can be expensive. In the case of a global website, you may think of translating to several languages. However, this is not practical as it may exhaust your funds. Sometimes you also have to spend on polishing and updating language translations. You may observe the need to do this in languages like Japanese because it has many dialects to convey something and their business communication differs from other general conversations. The solution to this is to simply make a list of keywords that you want your translation team to use while translating. Quite a number of words have different translations so this will reduce your editing work after the first translation.
For the above purpose, use words that are commonly employed in product descriptions or keywords seen in your company’s taxonomy. Adapt your keywords to the country’s local language and you will successfully reduce your expenditure.
Optimize Time And Efforts By Simple Measures
Local firms dealing with translation often take up the task of translating websites for global companies. When a site is created for Russia, it is most likely to be translated in Russia itself. Similarly, a website created for Yemen will be translated in Yemen. While editing the site, you must ensure that the website is as regional as it can get because your target audience needs to be attracted to the website and also has to be able to understand its contents or relate to it.
Suppose you own a company from England and you translate your website to English. After that, all you have to do is localize the content according to different countries. Your matter remains the same and so does your language. What changes is probably the dialect and other details according to local likes and dislikes? You need not to translate it to English again. This helps you save a lot of money while going international.
In case you happen to be a CMS user and decide to use the parent-child set-up, ensure that the content you spent time optimizing locally does not get erased while updating the site. This does not take a lot of effort and usually involves either unchecking or checking boxes. When taken care of, tiny problems that could drain loads of funds can be avoided. Local teams often reject central optimization for these reasons.
Centralizing And Listing Our Local Activities
In SEO, apart from translation duplication, there are a lot of other activities and operation that are carried out. These activities can also be duplicated unnecessarily due to the centralization of work. A pointer to smooth centralization is to create a list of actions and other areas and then to classify what must be done at the central level and what must be done at the local level.
By centralizing local activities, the company can allow the flow of resources to these too, and save funds.
Few of the points mentioned above should be planned prior to the execution of the website. However, a lot of costs can be cut during the editing phase as well. You not only save funds but also increase the speed of the process of SEO. Before finalizing anything, it is recommended to consult your local teams to create an appropriate and smooth process for SEO to follow. You can also use the savings as an investment in your local operations and show your team how it will benefit them.
Also read, how you can boost your website’s SEO through AI: Boost Your SEO Game Via Artificial Intelligence